Bullying: Meaning

Behavior against someone making uncomfortable to the limit of intolerance is called Bullying. Any action, statement, behavior hurting someone emotionally, mentally, and physically are the ingredient of Bullying.

In Wikipedia Bullying has been defined very effectively:

Bullying is the use of force, coercion or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception of an imbalance of physical or social power. This imbalance distinguishes bullying from conflict. Bullying is a subcategory of aggressive behavior characterized by the following three criteria:
(1) hostile intent
(2) imbalance of power
(3) repetition over a period of time. 

Bullying is the activity of repeated, aggressive behavior intended to hurt another individual, physically, mentally, or emotionally.

Family Bullying:

by the word bullying, people often assume something done outside the house and family, executed in some school, college, or workplace to trouble, tease or harass intentionally because family and home are considered to be the safest surroundings.

But it’s unfortunate that in the family also Bullying can be done on loved ones by one of the members of the same family. In a family, bullying is being done to frighten, intimate, abuse or harass just because things are not getting done the way one wants from the person who is being bullied.
It’s difficult to take some strict action against the person who is Bullying but not impossible. 

Family Bullying:

Dangerous for the whole family:

You have read what a family Bully refers to, if you notice a bully in the family, it’s a matter of serious concern. Family members other than the Bully should talk and discuss this behavior with all members because sooner or later this Bully member would affect the peace of the family, children bringing up in the family, the study of teenagers, the career of adults, and also the household tasks
being done by the house makers. So do not ignore the following behaviors that describe the bully very clearly. 

Behavior considered as Bullying:

There is always a definite definition for a specific behavior also there are some facts deciding the mode and type of behavior if it’s favorable or objectionable.

Objectionable behavior occupies several points that define Bullying. 

Let’s discuss some of the Bullying behavior as followed:


Forcefulness| A Bully as a forceful person suffocates the lives of others

When you are being bullied in a family this is the worst part of a life to live. Forcefulness is behavior coming at the top of the list included in bully’s behavior. Family Bully force other members to live a life on conditions, they make. Sometimes people accept rules and conditions if derived by love and affection but if it is derived with an intention to own or rule over the life of others, the forceful person suffocates the lives as a bully. 
This forcefulness can check social relations with neighbors, common friends, good friends. Possibly ought to be restricted to meet the family by your bully partner. A bully will never like other family members being social and being at ease with these bonds. Moreover, social bonding pops badly in the bully’s eye.
The bully forces you to stop following your interests, hobbies, and passions however there’s nothing wrong involving something you love to do. Even if you enjoying your common work, Bully will make you feel that it’s not something you should have fun about. Bully watches each of your moves to dominate you. In all this bully will make your life at hell and make you believe that you are worthless and living your life is of no use. 
But if you start feeling this just because of someone other in your own family, you need to realize it’s not your fault. You are perfectly alright and everything is fine with your life. It’s simple that you are being forced to feel this way by one or more Bully members of your family. 


Threatening| A Bully terrifies you

Bully terrifies you. The threat in the sense of blackmailing you to live accordingly, to do things or live whatever and however they want is done in bullying. It’s done for fun that becomes heart choking for the victim. Bullying also has become common within family premises. Bully member can threaten you for stopping your survival needs if you don’t obey or fulfill their wish willingly or unwillingly. Other family members don’t support you visibly because they themselves are terrified of the bully member. Bully changes the entire atmosphere of the family making it tensed, fearful, dark, and intolerable. But none raises a voice against this bully most of the time. 


Abusive| Bully can physically abuse any of the family members

It’s quite possible for a family bully to be an abuser. Because of mental illness, a person becomes a bully, and if the bully is bullying their own family then there are chances that this Bully can physically abuse any of the family members whether sister, brother, husband, wife, son, daughter, or some relative. So, if you have met or noticed a bully in your own family then you should keep a sharp eye on their moves so that other innocent members of your family might not be abused. 


Dominating nature is very obvious with a bully. To prove superiority Bully controls your life. You are not allowed even to think, behave, talk, laugh, shout, chill in certain ways the bully doesn’t like because all they want is to dominate others no matter it’s their family.


The bully doesn’t really have tolerating nature. They have zero tolerance for any mistake done. They will not discuss things getting wrong. They criticize and humiliate for mistakes repeatedly and never take responsibility for the mistakes done. Also, they will warn you again and again for their intolerance towards your very normal behavior which is not normal according to the point of view of the Bully.   

Small talk:

If you guys also dealing with these behaviors repeatedly in your family, you should understand this is not normal at all you might be struggling to lead a normal life on a daily basis. You should take some serious steps to change this Bully member of your family morally who is harmful to the peace of the whole of the family.

Message from the author:

Archana Pratap

If you guys have some experience in the context of Family Bully making your family suffer, you can share your story with us. You can mail us your story or comment us your experience.