What is Aggression?

In Wikipedia,

Aggression is overt or covert, often harmful, social interaction with the intention of inflicting damage or other unpleasantness upon another individual. It may occur either reactively or without provocation. 

How Aggression can be defined:

 Aggression is not merely an emotion or stage of mind. It is a disease that could infect others. Aggression infection is very destructive that is characterized by the instinct capable to destruct peace, relation, social status, and the whole of the family sometimes.    

In Aggression an individual losses control over his/her mind, body, and speech. When the person gets aggressive, he/she feels like having fits of anger. A person with aggression has no control over the mind, body, and speech acts strangely. After coming out of those fits he/she pretends as nothing happened. These kinds of aggressive persons are actually very dangerous for a peaceful state of mind for others.   

1. Screaming: Aggression

 In Screaming Aggression person begins yelling on others with no idea on whom and where this thing is being done. He/she losses a sense of respect and emotion in aggression and no matter elder or small kids, he/she just wants to bring their aggression out to make them feel better.

Tips to handle Screaming Aggression: 

Never scream back otherwise an aggressive person can be worst. Just wait for some moments of his/her screaming to get over. When the person gets down try to make him/her realize what has happened that should not be done.


If you are the one who has realized this negative challenge in you then don’t bother. It is a good sign if someone recognizes self with something abnormal going in life. You have better chances to come out with self-made efforts. All you need to do is spend time with family and friends, share your experiences of aggression with them. Talk to them about your feelings. Let them help you to be a better kind of person.     

 2. Abusive Aggression:

This type of aggression is very humiliating. An aggressive person abuses anyone, anywhere in a fit of anger. Their abusive treatment remains the same for everybody with no partiality. 

 Tips to handle Abusive Aggression:

Never abuse them back as you cannot beat these aggressive beasts and you don’t have to. They are mentally sick, you should pity them not revert. If you really want to do something for them, convince them to medicate.


If you are going through this form of aggression you should do meditation, watch your accompanied group. Family is a blessing; you cannot use abusive tone with your family members. If you continue doing so you gonna build up a gap in relations. In other words, you will be alone with your abuses.   

3. Assaultive Aggression:

These types of aggressive people are a threat to society. When they get aggressive, they assault mentally by blackmailing, tricking, plotting, stalking, etc. They can also assault physically by harassment, raping, physical abuse, child abuse, etc.

Tips to handle Assaultive Aggression:

Recognize these kinds of aggressive people ASAP and stay away from them. If you notice any sign unacceptable don’t ignore and slide quietly. Never bargains their first mistake otherwise you would get into a quicksand.


If you have experienced something like this and you have realized that blur in you. First of all, you will feel guilty about that which is very obvious. Sometimes you can feel to finish your life off. But you don’t need to do this, all you can do is to visit a psychologist or go through some counseling so that you might get over your guilt and might help others in the society after being a real human being. 

4. Violent Aggression: 

This form is worst of all included various forms of Aggression. When a person gets aggressive he/she tends to do violence until and unless he/she gets out of it. Any idea of his violence level cannot be imagined. He/she violently can harm or torture and if the victim tolerates the violence, this becomes the part of life for that aggressive person.

Tips to handle Violent Aggression:

Never wait for the next time in this hope that everything will be alright. When the first time this happens to you, take a step get over this strictly. This is the only way to handle this form of aggression. Last but not least is to take that aggressive person to a psychologist for treatment for a better life.


If you are a slave to this violent aggression but you are trying to get out of this. This is possible. If you have got the will there’s no one to stop you finding your way. Self-will is over everything for any achievement in life. You can leave violence by meditating, spending time with your family and friends, share your experiences with them, and most importantly go through some counseling to get better in you. 

 Small talk:

 We all have various shades in our nature, romantic, shy, talkative, reserve, foody, and beyond numbers. Anger is also one of those shades included in our personality. But if it is affecting negatively the life of other characters in our life then it’s not normal. We seriously need to do something this way to make our and others’ lives better. Aggression not only affects the family but also society. You can lose family, friends, money, social status, reputation just because of this stupid stage of mind called Aggression.